
Cutting edge brake technology wins innovation award

Apr 05, 2022

Test Services

Cutting edge brake technology wins innovation award Cutting edge brake technology wins innovation award

A bold new braking system has won the Innovation Award in the vehicle intelligence and transportation (VIT) category at the 2022 Consumer Electronics Show (CES).

The integrated dynamic brake for highly autonomous driving (IDB2 HAD) is the first commercially-available integrated (1-box) electronic brake to hit the market.

Let's examine the revolutionary potential electric braking systems have for the EV industry.

The electric brake advantage

The Brake Report outlines the dual safety design of the electronic brake system, which allows an EV to operate normally in situations where single point failure occurs. Designed around the concept of full redundancy allowance, the braking system will continue to operate in circumstances where conventional brakes would seize.

This new braking system integrates seamlessly with the autonomous driving functionality of today's EVs and contains a retractable brake pedal to allow for a transition to manual braking applications. The unfolding brake permits a driver to further autonomously-started braking. The 'auto stow' feature of this electronic braking system affords additional legroom for passengers in the cockpit seat as well.

Truly autonomous autos

This year's win for electronic braking technology showcases a commitment to e-solutions for the totality of vehicle operations.

IDB2 HAD furthers the redundancy of traditional mechanical connections and allows drivers the flexibility to perform additional functions like laptop work while the vehicle is auto-piloting. Boasting a degree of hyper-connectivity, the electronic braking and steering systems allow drivers to feel safe, while one button push results in a return to manual driving capabilities.

Eschewing convention for eco-responsibility

As more automakers champion sustainability efforts for the production of their automobiles, the already-reduced carbon footprint of electric vehicles is augmented by the latest e-braking technology. The IDB2 HAD boasts single-box functionality, which reduces both the weight and manufacturing space needed for assembly.

This contrasts with the electronic stability control (ESC) model employed by the majority of today's braking systems — which require large operational areas in both engine design rooms and assembly lines.

Composed of many interconnected parts, ESC braking systems, while efficient, are laborious undertakings at the point of assembly. Precision design requires the room to effectively integrate the various components (vacuum pumps, steering wheels sensors, upgraded integrated control units, etc.) that comprise the finished product.

As it relates to the vehicles themselves, the by-wire process of applying electric brakes is also more environmentally friendly than traditional braking applications. In the past, vehicle braking relied exclusively on the manual application of pressure to the brake pedal, which generated force through the hydraulic line.

The transition to signal-by-wire technology would further reduce the environmental footprint of vehicles on the road, with electric functionality replacing some black carbon-emitting discs and brake pads.

EV braking advantages

Combined with the regenerative braking technology employed by modern EVs, future tech like the integrated dynamic brake for highly autonomous driving seek to ensure transportation outcomes that are safe for both the driver and the environment. As EV autonomous driving continues to evolve, the introduction of electromagnetic braking and by-wire solutions could one day replace the need for slow braking techniques.

Greening solutions
For more expert information on the latest in braking technologies, visit our blog page. Greening Testing Laboratories is a fully certified brake testing lab that provides a host of different diagnostic testing services. Contact Greening for a complimentary consultation for your car manufacturing business today.