
Product spotlight: Material Compressibility Test Machine

Jan 15, 2015

Test Services

Product spotlight: Material Compressibility Test Machine Product spotlight: Material Compressibility Test Machine

Greening's Model 1140 Compressibility Test Machine is unique in its ability to conduct a variety of tests from different standards organizations. It primarily evaluates the compressibility of brake linings in road vehicles, along with disc and drum brake friction materials, noise insulators, wet friction and automatic transmission clutch disks, cardboard, ceramics, gaskets, paper, plastics and springs.

The world's three leading compressibility tests are covered: the International Organization for Standardization's ISO 6310 (Road vehicles — Brake linings — Compressive strain test methods), the Japanese Industrial Standards' JIS D 4413 (Automotive parts — Brake linings and brake pads — Compressive strain test method) and SAE International's SAE J2468 (Road vehicles — Brake linings — Compressibility test procedure).

Also included are the Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf, EKB and General Motors Worldwide (GMW15334). These tests are designed to measure not just compressive displacement caused by loading and temperature, but also the thermal swell and growth of lining material. This ensures that any material that is tested with this machine is approved for near worldwide use — ISO alone operates in 164 countries.

The Model 1140 runs on Greening's custom software, Dyna_Works, utilizing a Microsoft Windows interface. Dyna_Works handles all control and data acquisition tasks, allowing the user to easily enter test parameters including duration, load, ramp rate and temperature, and generates test results in industry-standard or in user-determined custom formats. Pre-load force can be as low as 10 N (~2 lbf) and is accurate to within 0.01 percent. A caliper piston simulator replicates the effect of in-service brake use while testing disc brake pads.

For more information, contact us at info@greeninginc.com.