For the second straight year, Indian automaker Tata Motors, the world's fourth largest truck manufacturer, organized the T1 Prima Truck Racing Championship on March 15. The event was held at Buddh International Circuit in Greater Noida, the nation's premier motor racing venue, which is also home to the Indian Grand Prix, with veteran British driver Stuart Oliver taking the checkered flag for the second time.
Twelve drivers competed for the title in Tata Prima heavy trucks, with New Jersey-based WABCO Holdings, Inc., as the competition's exclusive provider of safety systems and commercial sponsor. Compared to the inaugural event, this year's race featured lighter and faster trucks, with top speeds of 80 miles per hour. WABCO provided the vehicles with anti-lock braking systems (ABS), air management and actuation systems and integrated pedal units.
"We are excited to demonstrate the high performance of WABCO's advanced safety and efficiency technologies in a racing environment, which represents the most extreme operating conditions for heavy duty trucks," said the company's CEO, Jacques Esculier, of the event. "WABCO is proud that our technologies offer safety and efficiency benefits for millions of vehicle operators on India's roads every day."
Greening designs and manufactures a range of test machines to determine the suitability of brakes and components for trucks and commercial vehicles. Just as a competitive race can put brakes under extreme pressure, our equipment replicates all the conditions necessary to gauge the resiliency of any safety system.