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Greening is headquartered in the north side Detroit, and we have facilities and associates in four other countries on two continents. This international presence allows us to provide the same high-quality service to our customers in those regions as we do to our United States clients. Our worldwide contacts are as follows:
6th Gear Automotive Solutions Co. Ltd. Room 233, I Zone, Second Level, Building 3, No.8, Xiushan Road, Chengqiao Zhen, Chongming District, Shanghai
Satya Materials & Co. Contact person: Satya Priye 4A Shantiniketan Oakmont 33 MKN Road, Alandur Chennai – 600016 India
Phone: +91 (98842) 23863
ETECS Korea Co., Ltd. Contact person: Tae Ho (Ted) Choi 802 Seungil Venture Tower 371-42 Gasan-Dong Geumcheon-Gu, Seoul 153-803 Republic of Korea
Phone: +82 (0) 2-856-9919